Diving has always been a passion of mine
Above: Thresher Shark (Shot @ Malapascua, Philippines)
Below: Western King Wrasse (Shot @ Point Peron, Western Australia)
Why Scuba Diving
It has been proven that diving has a positive impact on mood, promotes mindfulness and reduces insomnia. From a study by the University of Sheffield’s Medical School we can now say that it also improves levels of:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Social functioning
What I Get
Scuba diving has allowed me to travel to places I would have never thought of before. Scuba opens up a new level of tourism allowing a whole new range of landmarks to visit.
- Freedom to feel weightless (Closest thing to space)
- Encourages you to travel to tropical areas
- Below surface landmarks (70 percent of the earth is covered in water)
Beautiful day, really excited to get in the water. Starting to overheat

Amazed after seeing a school of hammer heads & dolphins